Do you know how much your thinking affects your life and your choices? The way that we think about and see the world, is the way the world will show up in our lives.
Scripture encourages us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of our lives (Proverbs 4:23). What does that even mean?! It means that the things that you allow into your heart will affect you, your thoughts, your words, and your choices. Those choices will create and display issues in your life, whether they are good or bad. This video of prayer and scriptures will help to bring the focus needed to eliminate stinking thinking.
Second Corinthians 10:4-5 admonishes us to take every thought captive; in other words, we should be paying attention to them. We should grab the ones that are doing us no good and throw them out.
Pay attention to the things that seem bigger than God's promises and what you know He has for you. Be on guard and cast the thoughts down that says that He cannot do it, and it will never happen. These are lies! His word is TRUE!
When we begin to take scriptures, meditate on them, and ask God to help us to daily walk them out, our lives will change! Romans 12:2 tells us that we can be transformed by renewing our minds. What are you thinking?
When your thoughts are perpetually negative and bad, eventually negative and bad is EXACTLY what will show up in your life! Do not allow that! You are the first line of defense for what you allow in your head. Arrest unfruitful thoughts!
You can choose to think on the Word of God and those things that are honest, lovely, true and of good report, and it will begin to renew your mind (Phillipians 4:8)! Let me encourage you not to live a lifestyle of stinking thinking, otherwise your life will end up with the same stinch!
Refreshed Daily is a 21-day Devotional Journal that will help you to change your stinking thinking. For more encouragement, join our Grow Faith FB Group.
Blog Author, Rhodonna Boyd
Founder of and One Heart Ministries International